why is it so hard to get ready

Getting ready exists on a spectrum. On one end, it can feel glamorous and confidence boosting to put effort into how I look. My makeup can land perfectly, the bangs are listening, and I feel a good mixture of stylish and feminine in my outfit. On the other, getting ready is anxiety inducing; nothing fits comfortably, my flaws are obvious, and the idea people will perceive me makes me spiral. There are days when getting ready is easier, but the majority of the time I sincerely panic. I believe that everyone exists on this spectrum.

I am a fine artist currently creating a body of work of portraits and figures getting ready. I am inspired by the ‘get ready with me’ series that is popular online. This series is stereotyped to be for teenage girls and young women, but this is a universal experience we all go through (for example, growing up I watched my dad shave every week! 2025 goal is to paint more male figures.) Getting ready and the act of recording yourself seems frivolous because it’s something young women are interested in. Documenting ourselves through videos and photos is still a new thing, but getting ready is a core part of being human. I have come to realize I am creating a body of work about getting ready in attempt to heal my negative feelings around it, and for it eventually be an enjoyable act for me to do.

