Be the muse in the mirror.

The ‘Get Ready With Me,’ or ‘GRWM’ genre of videos is a social media hashtag and trend that involves posting a video showing the process of getting ready for an event, activity, or everyday life. This is category of media is usually considered for young women because they brought it to popularity, but getting ready is a universal experience that every gender and age goes through. I want to bring people into the experience that young women love.

I am looking for muses to be included in this body of work. I recognized that everyone’s relationship with getting ready is unique to them, and I want to display different experiences in my artwork.

To fully delve into what the process of getting ready means for you, think of getting ready on a scale of.

Questions to consider:

Do I feel positive, neutral, or negative about the experience of getting ready? What is something I need to do to feel ready?